We never use conflict minerals produced in or related to countries where crimes against humanity, crimes, armed conflict, and human rights abuses occur, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its neighboring countries.
We comply with ethical and social norms in all transactions based on transparent and honest corporate policies. In addition, we do not tolerate direct or indirect bribery and corruption, as well as comply with general regulations.
We clearly express that we do not support or engage in the following items and do not take advantage.
- Torture, abuse, human rights violations
- Coercion and forced labor, etc.
- Child abuse
- Violation of freedom
- Violation of human rights or abuse of human rights
- War crimes, violation of international humanitarian law
- Crimes against humanity, genocide
We will not make any transactions that are suspected of being related to an illegal situation or that a stakeholder appears to be related to the situation and will immediately stop the transaction if we become aware of such a connection in the middle.
We will not offer or demand any bribes or rewards from state officials, customers, suppliers, or other similar parties.
We will not conduct transactions by distorting the source of raw materials, and we will not also do the laundry of taxes, money, etc., or engage in corruption.
If a customer requests data related to responsible mineral sourcing, we will immediately provide the data to the customer.